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Wake up Neo.
The world is going through metamorphosis. A metamorphosis into a higher frequency, which is being fed to the Earth by our sun. Higher frequency will cause the human consciousness to shift and expand. Many refer to this as ascension. While in this process of ascension, old systems will fail and becoming obsolete. The current system that humans are unknowingly attached to, can no longer contain its own illusion on a population whose consciousness is rising. You are seeing this now as stranger-than-fiction truths are coming out and great deceptions are being exposed. Many people are beginning to realize that the world they knew was an illusion. A history, an education system, a media empire, and a Governmental structure built on lies and deception.
Those who are controlling the system, I will call them the dark ones, are scrambling to maintain their control on the population. If they become exposed and humanity truly wakes up, their time is done. I’m still learning much about them and how many levels of control there are, which extend beyond the physical Earth plane. Their organization consists of human and non-human entities, as-well-as ultra-sophisticated technology that gets selectively rolled out here on Earth, by their billionaire frontmen. This technology on the back end, is nothing more than a spiderweb. A spiderweb that is designed to make us dependent on it, absorb our consciousness, and ultimately to turn us into counterparts of the system itself. We are already seeing low levels of this control during Covid when the vaccinated were then used to track individuals that they were associated with. I will go deeper into this rabbit hole in a later article.
The dark ones are hastily attempting to install a new system. One that is more powerful than the last; one that can withstand the higher frequencies of the sun and in-turn, continue to deceive and outsmart ascending consciousness. They will accomplish this by creating a self-contained firmament of artificial frequency. Towers and satellites will be the infrastructure to accomplish this. Many were constructed during the Covid lockdown in the United States. These artificial frequencies are very unhealthy and most of the people would not survive in their current form. Some even say that the Covid symptoms were actually radiation sickness from the towers coming online.
The dark ones, through fear and manipulation, will cause the human body to change, to become more denser while the natural inner frequency, the light of the human, becomes less dense – hence a lower vibration. This will be accomplished by DNA-altering substances, nano-technology, fear and trauma-based mind control and other forms of medical treatments and technologies. This is how they will alter the human body to withstand the high radiation as-well-as halt and lower the naturally rising consciousness. This altering of the body has other agendas, keep reading.
The body will become hybridized, or transhuman, with the ultimate goal of post human. With this, there will be many implications for the humans who choose this path. In the highly-mechanized world they live, they will be connected to that world through their hybridized bodies – similar to how machines are linked up now via Wi-Fi. The self-awareness of the human, the light that is their consciousness, will become more and more separate from the body until finally, the consciousness itself is completely entrapped within a complete illusion of reality – similar to concepts like Metaverse or The Matrix movie.
Many awakening humans will band together and resist the tyranny. Their numbers will be too great for the dark ones to control. They will NOT acquiesce if their lives are threatened, for they know, or will soon learn, that they are eternal; they are the children of light. These humans will rise in consciousness; thus, they will rise in vibrational frequency. The new Earth will be their home as they will harmonize with their planet. Many will be exterminated during this transition – it’s happening now with soft kills like poisons in the food, water, medicines, vaccines, and the spraying of the atmosphere. Learn more about how the reality we are experiencing is actually a vibrational frequency band that our body is designed to decode:
The other humans, clinging to the old system and the dark ones who control it, will be attached to the old Earth. The old Earth will become artificial and essentially a virtual reality. Its frequency will fall as it becomes more mechanical in nature. Eventually there will be nothing natural, even plants will not grow. Only within the Matrix will there be nature.
Consciousness is the light that the dark ones use to power up their system. It is also their energy source, like blood is to a vampire. Since they themselves have no light, they must attach themselves to those who have this energy source – because their very nature is parasitic. The humans who are ensnared within their holographic illusion are the hosts who live under the parasite’s spell. The bodies that are living in the mechanical Earth, are nothing more than robots, connected to a hive-mind that thinks and understands for them. They are the worker bees, who maintain the infrastructure and serve the dark ones.
The dark ones are preparing consciousness for this change already by projecting psyops and mind control to confuse the population about many things like religion, history, normalizing anti-human behavior, and even reducing the significance about their own genders. Those who fall under the mind-control spell will degenerate; you can already see degeneration beginning. Eventually they will actually become genderless and will degrade into a body that can only be supported by technology. After some generations, the bodies on Earth will not contain enough light to reproduce naturally.
Technology will keep their hearts beating while they transform into post humans. After further degradation, they will look like the typical grey alien and will be nothing more than minions or drones for the Operating System in control. You can already observe the powerful effects of their mind control as those clinging to their system block traffic for fake climate change activism, expose their friends and family for not taking the vaccines, and even mutilate their own body and even their children’s body, for the sake of the cult-created transgenderism movement. The extent of mental illness will go so far that these people will consider this dark and degenerate behavior “trendy.”
Soon we will see new technology rolling out – mind-blowing technology. This technology will likely be rolled out along-side with false UFO/UAP disclosure. The dark ones may even attempt an orchestrated “alien invasion” or “UFO attack” to help shock human consciousness to accept the new technology. Trauma-based mind control is extremely effective. Much research can be done on this subject by looking into MK Ultra and other secret Government programs. It is without question that you will also have big corporations, the media, and Hollywood all cheerleading this technology and making it trendy like bell bottoms and nose rings.
Now we are seeing transgender movements and even people who identify as animals. Next it will be trans-technology movements where people will have technology installed in their bodies to “upgrade” certain functions or abilities of the body. These upgrades are all trojan horses that are intended to connect more and more of the human to the Master Operating System. The Hollywood cult, mainstream media, Government agencies like NASA, big corporations, and major special interest groups will all cheerlead and convince those who are attached to the old world, to become trans-humans through their technological upgrades.
The phase of the soft upgrade is coming to an end. The soft upgrade was the roll out of cell phones, ear buds, smart watches, and other smart devices – to name a few. These were all designed to prepare our consciousness to devolve deeper into technology while obtaining more control and restrictions upon the population. Notice how these so called “smart devices” are making people less smart, less conscious, and more dependent. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Are you easily able to find locations without Google Maps? These are just a few examples of how these devices are sucking the consciousness and natural abilities out of the human machine and installing it into artificial machines. The hard upgrades are happening now with medical vaccines containing DNA altering substances, nano-technologies, and mind-numbing chemicals all over our environment and in our food and medicines.
This new operating system replaces the old failing system. One of the main constructs of the old system, is called the Human Ego. The ego only goes so far, something greater is needed to pull humanity further into material nature. Understand that material is opposite of spiritual. For a greater awareness of what the ego program is, please see my article called The Deception of the Ego.
As the great awakening continues to unfold, those who choose not to acquiesce to the dark ones and focus their consciousness inwards will accelerate the development of their consciousness. Many will begin to develop strong intuitive abilities, psychic abilities, and so on. We will begin to hear about people discovering strange phenomena within themselves very soon. Natural evolution will ensue on those who are on the evolutionary path. Those who choose the devolutionary path, will try to enhance themselves using technology. One way is real and eternal, the other is artificial and ultimately extinction. Choose wisely Neo.
Very well written William… and spot on! Nice to know there are others that think clearly. 🙏
Look forward to more from you.
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