Very well written William… and spot on! Nice to know there are others that think clearly. 🙏

Look forward to more from you.

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Thanks so much for your comment!

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My god, most everything you’ve written about re AI and “smart” technologies, have been things I’ve already thought about. It is a cause of great personal anxiety currently. I similarly have felt that there is a natural way to evolve, and an “artificial” way to evolve. This was just an intuitive feeling, not one grounded in actual experience. I would rather have “real” intelligence, as opposed to “artificial” intelligence.

I suppose those who are on the natural evolutionary path are going to have to face death here on this plane before moving to what you call the “New Earth”? Are you personally prepared for this? How do you feel about it? (And again, I understand if you would rather not publicly answer this question.)

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Author

Clearly you're a seeker because of this inherent, deeper understanding that you have. This deeper intuition, that is difficult or impossible to interpret with the mind, is your higher self. Sometimes you get it, but then it evaporates. Sometimes you see or read something, and it resonates strongly - am I right? It is separate from the mind. Once it goes into the mind, that's where it gets your conscious attention and often it gets diluted, mistranslated, and so on. The mind is a data processor, programmed by the senses. If you develop yourself (inner practices, meditation, etc) you'll start spreading the gap between your mind from your true self - then this knowledge starts becoming more clear and you can discern it more accurately. Otherwise the mind comes in and stirs everything up with its thoughts and emotions.

We are headed into the next era where high technologies will become the things that dominate humans. And through technology, the dark one will emerge. It's happening right now before our eyes. Imagine how evil and twisted a human's program can become? Now imagine something like a robot that embodies that energy so that the human no longer is "responsible" for it, or even conscious of it. The Matrix is like a documentary. Our souls are like the bodies in the Matrix energy farm right now - its what powers up this simulation. If we stay asleep and distracted by what the simulation feeds our senses, our bodies could end up in the same scenario - while our consciousness is living it out in some fantasy metaverse. This, i believe, is humanity's last major test and it is what I refer to as the splitting of worlds. One part goes down into artificial reality, the other ascends up into higher worlds. One world is iron man - without any consciousness of his own and is nothing more than a drone of thy system, the other is superman, completely naturally evolved - completely conscious of himself and his reality.

In this realm, the parasites will dwell physically here on Earth, but through the technology. They cannot grow natural evolving bodies like we can, because we are the children of light.

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Check out The Eighth Sphere by Rudolf Steiner.

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Will do

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I suppose I am a seeker but truthfully I haven’t found out much. It’s just a lot of information and theories jumbled around in my head, with no way of knowing in an absolutely certain way, I feel. Just when I think I might know something, the understanding gets modified or somehow changes. And there are always unanswered questions. I think a lot of people claim to know. But I think that most of them are just as confused. Anyone can become a channeler, or divine conduit, for instance - but what are they channeling? The channeled entity would arguably have the upper hand, as they can observe our world, but theirs is all but invisible to us. We have only their words to go by. So we are inherently disadvantaged and therefore potentially more easily manipulated. Another example would be that there are beings in existence that can make one feel euphoric (or make one feel or remember nothing at all), I’ve heard, while in actuality they are depleting one’s life force or causing other harms. Again, we are disadvantaged in these scenarios.

I’ve heard a lot about the idea of a simulation. I guess it could be true. Maybe like a sort of sandbox for beginner humans. But why - what would be the reasoning or need - for our souls to power such a construct? It makes no sense to me. Where or from whom are we getting this information - the Wachowski brothers? (I mean, sisters - as they’ve both coincidentally transitioned). If so, I’d just as soon totally disregard it. The other question to ask would be: In whose interest would it be for us to believe the Matrix story? Has it perhaps not happened yet, but could be a reality if enough people believe that this is what’s going on? Could it be that this is why certain forces are leading us to believe that this is what’s already happening? Another question - where did the parasites come from? Did we create those? Did god? Did someone else? I have no answers about this, only guesses. I’ve noticed that many people who claim to be awakened are all using the same exact jargon, the same exact platitudes - almost as if the awakening itself is just another program, which gives it all a very inorganic feel: “Now presenting, the “Awakening Program”! But how much of *that* is artificially manipulated? How much of *that* potential program could be just as much of a trap? And on the questions go…

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