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Its common now-a-days to hear the term awakening. I’m not referring to the term “woke” that has infiltrated many minds. “Woke” is a form of mind control – see my previous article on Awakening from the Mind Control Spell to get a better understanding how Mind Control is being perpetrated onto the population.
I’m talking about truly awakening; awakening from the mind. What does that mean, to awaken from the mind? Why do some people seem to see beyond the common narratives that continue to be injected into our heads by mainstream educators, the media, and corporate and political action groups? Previously these people were laughed at and called conspiracy theorists, but now many are starting to think otherwise as many of these “theories” are turning out to be true.
Awakening essentially means a heightened awareness, or a heightened consciousness. If you ask most people, they will say they are quite aware or conscious of the world they are experiencing. Perhaps it’s true, but isn’t is also true that when we find out something that completely unravels a previous belief, aren’t we shell-shocked or mind-blown? This is the point; our awareness is limited to our perception and the boundary of that perception is invisible until something or someone shows us where it is. The boundaries of our perception are programmed deep within us. This program is wired within our body via our emotions.
This program is constructed partly by you, and partly by the environment that you experience as you proceed through life. We are all on our own particular journey that preceded from our own particular childhood experience. We as humans were born with a mostly blank software package, and that software was programmed through early-life experiences, by the choices we made, and by the surrounding environment and culture the we grew up in.
If you observe an infant early on who has barely any coordination with his hands, you’ll see that he gradually gains more and more coordination as he becomes increasingly aware of what these extremities are capable of. The hands become more capable as he builds more connections from his mind through the minute circuitry of the nerves running through his hands. These connections are created because he becomes more conscious of his hands. The consciousness, or awareness, is the force that focuses the energy into the hands. This energy causes nerves to grow which allows even more energy to flow into the hands, causing muscles to form and dexterity to increase. In other words, the mind, a software program, learned how to feed consciousness to the hand and the hand ultimately becomes conscious itself – it can feel, touch, grasp and so on right? If you close your eyes and then grasp an object on the table, you can probably identify what that object is by the way it feels, right? You might even be able to place an image of the object in your mind without opening your eyes. This is all possible because your mind has created a database within your body. Through the development of your hand, the stimulus that you experienced from the use of your hands created memories, which were then stored in the body database. Those memories became the driver of your hands – just like computer software drivers. This database and driver system, is what can be defined as the ego. The self-contained operating system for your human body.
The focus of this message is to determine what the ego is. What it actually is and what it’s NOT. I used to think the word ego just meant someone’s perception of himself. Well, that’s part of it, but its not the whole meaning. The ego in its entirety is pretty mind blowing if you’re able to understand the concept. If you listen to this entire message, you will have a much clearer understanding of what the ego is.
It’s important to know that understanding the concept of the ego is part of the awakening journey. Having a logic concept in the mind will help keep a person sane once one begins breaking through the veil of the ego. Getting a basic understanding of concepts is like formatting a memory card so that it can store new information – otherwise the new information could cause some glitches in the system. Ultimately, when one discovers the ego, or rather, one truly experiences that he or she is NOT the ego, the individual’s existence and entire being begins an extreme transformation. Until then, no one truly knows they are the ego, because it is designed to deceive them into thinking it is them.
Now, if you haven’t subscribed yet, please do so because I’m going to be systematically posting articles that provide various methods and practices to begin this system of transformation. For now, just know that It’s important to begin understanding concepts so that the mind begins formatting itself for an insanely profound upgrade. Like I mentioned, grasping the concepts I’m about to discuss IS a part of the method. So what I’m going to discuss next are a few more concepts to better help the mind grasp what the ego actually is, and what it’s not.
Cogito, ergo sum. Have you heard that phrase before? Cogito Ergo Sum. It’s a latin phrase for “I think, therefore I AM.” Let’s analyze this phrase for a minute by trying to answer these questions: Is it YOU who is doing the thinking or is it the brain? If your brain is the thing that is thinking, then who is the I AM? Does the I AM only exist when you are thinking? If your brain receives some trauma because your skull gets knocked hard, you become unconscious; there is no thinking, do you still exist then? This is the problem with this phrase, it’s basically saying you only exist when the program is on. It does not address what the human being is when the program is turned off. This is because the mind is only aware of itself through its connection with the body database.
I like to use the computer example because it’s much easier for a modern mind to grasp. With a computer system, you have the hardware: the computer tower, the mother board and CPU, the monitor, etc., right? You then have the software: like Windows 11, which is the operating system. These 2 main components work together to process and transform the inputted data into a specific format – in this case, an image on the monitor and maybe some audio coming out of the speakers. Are you with me here?
The third part of that system, and the most important part, is the electricity needed to power the unit up. Without the electricity, it’s just a box and some components made of mostly plastic and metal right? Now I want you to take that same concept, and apply it to the human body. The body and the brain are the hardware components, in which the brain is the CPU. The eyes decode the frequencies into images, and the ears decode the frequencies into sounds, and so on. The Ego is the operating system – which in our case is a subjective software. It learns by experiencing these different forms of data stimulus, which are vibrational frequencies, and develops an emotional connection based on how it experiences the stimulus. The energy that powers up the unit, is consciousness. Are you following me here?
Without consciousness, the body is just like the lifeless computer when it is turned off – it’s a bag of flesh and bones, that’s it. So consciousness is the source – it gives life to the body. Unlike electricity however, consciousness is aware. It is the true you that is observing the Earthly experience. This earthly experience is dictated by the ego’s interpretation, or more precisely, the emotional filters it created. In fact, the ego is so infused within our body that if you were able to pull out the program, away from the body, and you were able to apply color to the electro-magnetic structure of its energy – so that you could see it, it would be a holographic image of the same person that you see in the mirror. This is the false you. Your consciousness is wired into this image and the image itself is convincing your consciousness that I am you – this is the deception of the ego.
When you are thinking, it means that your mind is shuffling through data, much like your computer when you see that hour glass spinning. The ego builds an identity by learning how to interpret data by using emotions to characterize the input stimulation – this emotion is developed based on the environment you were in when you experienced the stimulation – so the emotion may not be an accurate representation of the actual data because the environment you were in may have skewed the interpretation by the ego. Let me explain:
Imagine being an infant child and a parent telling you NO and spanking you violently in anger. The word no could be recorded as a type of painful data – physically painful and emotionally traumatic because of the anger reaction by the parent. All this learned information is stored within the body and is essentially what is known as the subconscious mind. Now years later, when you’re older, and someone says no to you, you may take it very negatively or become irrationally emotional because that memory, though forgotten or repressed, has been stored subconsciously as an ego programmed reaction. Once this subconscious mind has a large enough database, the ego program starts forming an overall individual identity. I am smart; I am attractive; I am a leader; I am an athlete; I am a business person; I am, I am, I am – you fill in the blank.
This identity becomes the overall operating system because it has developed a memory bank to interpret just about all the stimulus it normally encounters within its experience – in other words, the ego program has learned enough to take control of the entire system, to navigate this reality on its own – the conscious awareness just fades away. You could say that in spiritual terms, the conscious being is falling farther down into materialism and sensory perception – losing its awareness of the source – where all the energy comes from.
When your identity is the mind, which is the ego program, you are only aware of and perceive reality based on the database of stored memory – that’s it. You are limited to your memory database and the emotional experiences of all those memories, is what drives your whole human body machine. The five senses: touch, taste, smell, vision, and sound are all the program filters within your human body machine, that decode the frequency that you experience as life. That decoding process is the ego program using its memory database to create your identity within the life frequency that you are experiencing. Anything that is new that is coming into your frequency filters, causes a shock and awe within your system. Your system (the ego), instantly attaches emotion to the experience in order to store it within your body-memory database. That’s why when you first experience something new, it always has the most intense emotion.
Another great concept is to think of the human body as an antenna. If an antenna gets knocked off frequency, the signal scrambles and you lose the image or data that’s coming in – This is the same concept that happens when you lose consciousness – like if you were to get knocked out or something.
The components that we call the human body, is nothing but an antenna, an operating system, and a data storage unit, all made of flesh. I hate to minimalize our physical existence by reducing our being down to an antenna and a computer, but essentially that’s what we are – until one is upgraded, or evolves. The dilemma we are facing as humans within this phenomenal plane of “reality” that we are all existing in, is that our consciousness is observing our ego program and is deceived into thinking that the program is the self. The ego is a software program, it knows nothing other than itself. It cannot understand a reality outside of the database where its identity comes from – I cannot emphasize this concept enough.
Imagine being a character in a video game – by wearing virtual reality goggles – and forgetting that you have the googles on. You believe the game you are in is the real world and your self-identity in the game is the real self? The game influences you and guides you through a life that you engage with believing that it’s all your reality. Remember the Truman Show? Or The Matrix? Those movies are other good examples of this. Upgrading or evolving is when you take the goggles off, or more specifically, when you uninstall the ego program. This is the process of enlightenment, or self-actualization. When the true self, consciousness, becomes the driver of the human-body machine.
Now what is the purpose of this ego deception? That’s the ultimate question, one that we can begin to examine in future articles. For now, I’m sticking to the topic of what the ego is. However, in the near future, we will peer deeper into rabbit hole of the great deception, which is truly mind blowing; actually, it’s out of this world. Make sure you’re subscribed so you’ll get notified when those articles get published.
Now these concepts that I’m sharing with you about using the computer and the video game concept as a point of reference to help the mind grasp the ego identity has helped me tremendously on my own personal journey. It’s helped me to understand what it (the ego) actually is, and coincidently, to get my human (the ego program) to understand what I was. This begins the framework, or formatting of the mind, so that the real I can then integrate and become the new operating system. You must understand that the mind cannot fully grasp this concept, because after all, the mind is the ego. It cannot think outside of itself just like a computer system cannot think outside of its own programming. The only way to break this control, from my experience, is by learning how to tap into your power source. Once you learn how to detach your consciousness from the human body / ego system, that’s when one’s true awakening begins.
This learning that I talk about is a process of rewiring your mind to focus on specific things instead of the sensory inputs that your system is connected to by the auto-pilot subconscious ego mind. By systematically adding specific practices into your daily routine, you can begin the process of disconnecting from the old system, and bringing within you, the conscious, unfiltered energy source as the new upgraded operating system. Once it initiates within your system, it grows like a tree inside your nervous system – this is what some writings call the tree of life.
All religions have parables, phrases, and metaphors for this evolution that can occur to a consciously driven soul. Enlightenment is a common term, also known as self-actualization. In gnostic Christianity, the story of Jesus has more to do with the inner evolutionary process that Jesus went through in order to bring the Christ within his being. Christ was the term of this conscious energy that involves the alchemy of specific chemicals in the body – this is why Jesus is also referred to as The Anointed One – because he was anointed by these specific oils or chemicals that reacted a certain way within the body. The sacred secretion, Christ-Mas, and the Holy Ghost all have significantly different meanings than what we were taught by the dogmatic religious groups who hijacked and took over that movement between the 300-400 AD period during the rule of the Roman emperor Constantine. In the far east, the Hindus use the concept of the goddess Shakti rising up through the Sushumna to meet Shiva. The religions of today focus its followers more on the stories and the parables being true, rather than the inner-processes that they represent. I’m not saying none of it happened; I’m not saying all of it did happen; I’m saying that the truth to our reality and our being has been greatly skewed and fragmented – little bits of truth here and there. Enough to keep one following, but not enough to teach one how to walk through the fire. Walking through the fire, is an occult concept about one of the last phases of detaching from the mind.
I’m sure you’re aware of the medical symbol of the serpent twisting its’ way up the Rod of Asclepius. All these concepts and many others, are but different ways of describing the same thing. Though we come from different cultures and belief systems, there is a common root linking us all to the source. This can be found when one learns how to become meditative and the detachment from the senses begins.
Every sin, every desire, and every form of suffering that one experiences in life, is all in accordance with the ego program – meaning it’s all derived from the ego. As the Greek Philosopher Plato quoted, “The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile.” What Plato means by conquering yourself, is conquering the Ego; he is calling the ego yourself.
There is also a collective ego in the world – or what one might call, a collective program or operating system that all individual egos are connected to – like internet WiFi connecting all the computers within the signal area. That collective ego, or WiFi bandwith is unraveling before our eyes. This has to do with cosmic cycles. That’s why times like the one we are in now have been prophesized for hundreds, even thousands of years.
This unraveling, or energy change, is causing conflicting realities within individual egos and thus beginning a mass awakening, right now, all across the planet. You can see it happening just by watching the news, seeing the posts on social media, talking to friends and family, and if you’re conscious enough, you can feel it within your being that something is changing in the world. See my article, The Force behind the great awakening to get a glimpse of the larger patterns that are unfolding and see a bit deeper down the rabbit hole.
Stay tuned for new articles discussing more on the great awakening and how to begin a personal practice of uninstalling the obsolete ego program and realizing that you already have the divine source within you.
Until next time my friends, keep seeking.
Unbelievable. Thank you.
Good article. Only the ego is under the spell, once you free yourself from it, you'll be free from all the traps that enslave us here on the phenomenal.