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Welcome Seeker, I’m happy that you are tuning into this message today. How are you holding up during these days of tribulation? I see many who are trembling, while I see others whose spark is igniting within and they are becoming energized, while yet I see many who are quite oblivious to all that’s happening in the outside world. Much can be said about the state of our civilization and the state of psychosis that is consuming many, however for those who are still asleep, their time has not yet come and their role within this global theatre still remains undeveloped.
To the warriors and the fearful, this article is meant for you. Clearly, you are in the state that you are because you’ve become sensitive to these higher frequency energies that are causing all the ripples within this creation. These energies are disturbing the dormancy of the light within. Many who are fearful, are intentionally resisting this energy and the knowledge it brings, by concealing their light (which is their deeper awareness) from the realities of their world or to the changes that are happening inside of them. Those who are seeking, sharing information, and putting themselves on the front lines, are tuning into this energy and resonating with what they feel is their calling.
Earlier on, during the beginning of my journey, I had an extremely breathtaking experience that completely altered my life. I found myself completely disconnected from the mind and body. There is no terminology that can effectively describe this state of being. To keep on topic, I’m going to share with you a couple of understandings that I was able to bring back into this world.
The world, as I now understood it, existed only in my body and mind. Exiting the body and the mind is literally like waking up from a dream except the transition between the dream and the Real is completely conscious. unlike a dream, normally you find yourself in the dream and you’re just in it, unaware that you’re even in a dream until you wake up. This is due because in normal dreaming, you become unconscious as you fall asleep, and then at some point, your inner spark becomes conscious again and finds itself swimming around in your mind’s subconscious database – the dreamscape. What I’m talking about, is a conscious transition. You are aware of everything as you come out of the body and when you re-enter it.
Until you experience the Real, you cling to the body—fear of the unknown keeps you attached. Reentering the body was a bit disheartening after experiencing the Real. Imagine being pulled back into a dream that you no longer wanted to be part of. I then returned back into the dream alive and as a character within it, once again—reentering the body and returning to the dream are one in the same. Understand this, the body and the mind IS the world that you are experiencing. It is decoding the energies within this bubble and displaying the world that you see, feel, hear, touch, and taste. You can learn more about this in my previous article, The Stimulation, The Self, and the Annihilation of the Ego:
Of everything that I knew and understood while I was in that higher state of being, I could only bring a very small portion of it back with me into the body. It took time and much reflection before my mind was able to grasp and to develop some vocabulary to understand it intellectually. The 2 words that I came up with to describe how it felt in this state, was Fearless Love. When I was in the Real, Love was the life force that flowed through me. It was expanding and growing. Every part of it was alive and conscious of itself. And it was FEARLESS. It was so fearless in fact, that if I was able to exist in this state whilst in my body, you could peel the skin off of me and torture me in the most extreme ways, you could burn the world down and everyone I love around me and this essence would have no fear. In fact, just in the presence of this force, there could be no dark thoughts, actions, or cruelty to anything that is living – for it was life itself. Nothing could stop the intent of this living energy – it was unbounded and limitless.
This brought me to the conclusion that the opposite polarity of this state of being, was fear. I experienced what true Love really was. It was a fearless force that grew and expanded everything that it touched. All that was dark, was the fear of this force, which resisted it. Love and fear are opposites. Love is consciousness, it’s alive. Fear is death, dying and decay – the opposite. At some point the dead, becomes reacquainted with Love, and it then becomes life again - and you have rebirth.
Fear is what compels someone to hide their awareness from the darkness of the world. No one except a psychopath (one without consciousness, whose essence is of fear), enjoys seeing or learning about the evils of the world. However, one who starts becoming conscious and learns how to create a space between their Real self and the mind/body machine, does not avoid fear; he or she shines through it. The darkness then ceases to be.
The world is dark and fear is used by the social engineers to guide and manipulate the population towards their agendas. They do not want you to wake up and become conscious – it is their Worst fear – and we must remember that they are extremely fearful beings; this is why they are able to do such horrors to people and to the living. Until one begins to develop the inner self and kindle and grow the fire within, fear will always be one’s hidden enemy and the weapon of those who dwell it in.
The other part of my experience that I want to share with you was the understanding that I needed to get back to the Real, but through the body, not by leaving it. I understood that death would only lead me back into another body because my inner self, the spark, was not developed enough to escape whatever it was that is keeping me locked into a physical body. It’s like you are an eagle in the true essence, but you haven’t developed your wings so your stuck on the ground with all the predators and unclean (or unholy) things – where fear is prevalent. Until you develop wings, you’re stuck on the ground and you keep coming back over and over again, new body, new mind (wiped clean). Knowledge was kept hidden from you because if you knew that you were an eagle without wings, you would then dedicate your whole life to develop those wings.
Now I must try to convey what it means to develop yourself in the inner aspect. I’m going to discuss what it means to begin the process of developing your inner self. If I can explain to you how we develop ourselves in the outer aspect, I think the mind can better grasp the later information on how to begin developing the inner aspect:
When I speak about higher dimensions or higher worlds, it is inconceivable to the inexperienced. Your mind may organize the information and deceive itself in believing it understands the things that I’m talking about - you know, because its identity is a smart and intelligent person. However, I will tell you from the deepest core of my being that it can only be understood through experience - this is what is called Gnosis, knowledge by means of conscious and in-your-face experience. It cannot be fully understood by reading books or going to church or by listening to the greatest lecturer, it can ONLY be really understood by experience. Those things mentioned are helpful and very necessary in formatting the mind to receive higher information, but the information itself will not develop you, only the experience and the “doing” will accomplish that. The caterpillar will not become a butterfly by reading books and practicing some pranayama. Those are all techniques to assist the caterpillar in developing itself, to let go of the attachment to the body. It cannot transform into the butterfly by still thinking and functioning as a caterpillar – it must learn how to shed its caterpillar identity while it is still a caterpillar. In other words, it needs to transform its being, part by part and bit by bit, until it is no longer a caterpillar.
When I speak of the body, I’m also referring to the mind – they are in a way synonymous with each other. The actual Learning of how to detach from the body is a conscious experience. Understand it like this: you learned how to write by consciously grasping the pencil in a very specific way. You then figured out how to apply the correct pressure and motion very specifically in order to get something legible to show up on the paper. You probably had a teacher who taught you some techniques to use so that you had some idea or foundation to start off from, am I right? You then had to practice these techniques over and over and over again before your hand became conscious enough (trained) to direct the pencil based on the mind’s intent? We call this developing dexterity, but in its truest nature, your conscious energy developed itself within your hand (it wired itself in a specific way) so that the hand finally became subjugated to the mind’s will.
You do not think any more on how to hold the pencil and how to direct the motion and pressure - otherwise it would be a long and exhausting experience, and you wouldn’t have enough energy left to produce the actual desired content effectively. You could say that your hand has developed its own memory so that your thinking function can focus on the content of the message instead of the action of writing. In other words, you learned how to write through Gnosis - the guidance, techniques, and instructions where there to help the hand consciously develop itself. You consciously developed certain feelings in your hand until it finally produced the desired results—you did not wake up one day with the ability to write, it was a process that grew from one layer to the next.
It is no different when developing the inner-energy body and dormant faculties within your human organism. Since the beginning of your experience within your body, you have spent every waking second learning how to attach yourself to the body and the sensations produced by the senses. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you’re probably seeking something deeper, more profound about the human experience. You may be looking for more knowledge on how to fortify yourself from the changing world. You may be very curious about spirituality, where you come from, fear of death, or certain fears or circumstances in the world are compelling you to turn your attention inwards, maybe you have some symptoms happening within your mind or body that are leading you here - this list goes on and on. The bottom line is, if you’re just beginning the spiritual journey, or you’ve been circling the rabbit hole for some time but still not able to enter it, then the missing key you are seeking is inner development.
From my experience, and in my opinion, I believe that one seeks spirituality because they are seeking Love. Again, Love is life, consciousness, and fearlessness. If you are fearing things in the world, you should seek Love because it eliminates fear. If you seek more knowledge and understanding, you seek Love – for it is all knowledge and understanding. If you seek greater abilities and learning how to master your body, you seek Love. For Love is the evolutionary force that expands the life force in you and causes more and more of the dormant faculties to come alive. All these things are available to one who develops more and more, this primal energy into their human organism. You are here in this body to transform darkness into light. Visual Love is light. Anything within your body that is not working to its ultimate capacity, has darkness in it.
After I spent several YEARS of intense practice and devotion in the attempt to return to that place, or state of being, I found out that the process of getting there is not really different than the process we use to develop our physical body. Everything that I read about and videos and lectures that I watched, were all ambiguous or too “mystical” for me to wrap my head around. It was the action of trying different things and practicing “over and over again” (like the writing example), that I finally realized how basic The Way to this state of being actually was. It is not a question of technique or method; it is something that you develop. You can develop anything by practicing over and over again, finding out which technique works for you and which doesn’t.
In order to develop your inner abilities, including the ability to detach from your human organism, you must first learn how to tame the mind. The mind is a wild program that runs your human organism - it does what is wants, when it wants, and how it wants to. Your human organism may have healthy programming or unhealthy programming - the proper term for this programming is called Ego. This program called the Ego, was wired in our human organism in such a way that we cannot distinguish our true self from the program. This is why the first task for a true seeker is to learn how to tame the mind and begin getting it under control. The problem for most people is, they don’t have any experience outside of the mind, so this concept is not conceivable to most. If you are gifted in life with an experience that pulls you outside of the human-organism, then you have a concept on what to work towards, otherwise you may feel like you’re trying to swim against the current in a strong river.
In this practice of inner development, you don’t try to swim upstream, you swim with the current, but learn how to direct your trajectory within the current - I hope this concept makes sense. In other words, you cannot stop the mind from thinking (in the beginning), so one should not put all of their efforts in trying to Not Think. Instead, find something that you’re able to focus the mind on.
There are many common and simple techniques that one can use to focus the mind while practicing to become meditative. First, you should find a quiet place, preferably a dark place and one that will not offer distractions:
The body should be relaxed and sitting comfortably. You do not need to sit like a yogi, you just need to sit comfortably with your spine erect and vertical to the ground. You can use a chair if you do not have a healthy enough posture to sit properly with your legs crossed and tucked, or you can lean back against a wall – the key is that your spine and neck are as vertical as possible to the ground.
Relax the body fully as much as you’re able to. You should be exerting no effort in sitting properly, otherwise your mind will be keyed in on your discomfort. Your hands should be placed comfortably on your legs in such a way that they stay put without your effort to hold them there.
Next, using your mind, scan your body for any areas of tension or discomfort. Start at your toes, make sure they are relaxed and under no pressure… then your feet, then your legs, your hips, and so on. You’ll do this all the way up to your shoulders, then you’ll scan your arms and hands, then to your neck, your lips, cheeks, and eyes, and then lastly the crown of your head. Your tongue should be relaxed and resting in your mouth, and your eyes should be closed or slightly open and relaxed – there should be no physical effort. The body should be like a bag of meat, holding into position by gravity and its own weight.
Now your attention goes to your breath. The breath is done through the nose. Inhale slowly and under your control – feel the air enter the nose and travel through the channels into the lungs. Notice the stomach and chest rising as the air inflates the body. Notice the temperature of the air entering, feel the hairs in your nose moving as the air pressure enters and travels down through your nose. Feel the air hit the back of your pallet as it exits the naval cavity at the back of your throat.
Notice the details here. In order to become aware of all these details, you’ll need to focus your mind completely on the breath. This will be difficult in the beginning, but the effort to focus your mind will get easier and easier, and you’ll be able to hold the focus longer and longer. Just like the writing example, you practice over and over again until it no longer requires any effort – the mind will eventually learn that it cannot resist your will.
The exhale is the same process – we are talking about control and focus. You’ll release the air but a controlled release. The exhale should last about twice as long as the inhale, maybe a little less. You can count in the beginning… If it takes 7 seconds to inhale, you should control the air release on the exhale so it takes maybe 12 seconds to be depleted.
You’ll notice the air is warmer as it travels through your nasal cavity and exits through the nose. Focus on the details… the stomach and chest deflating. Feel the apparatus that you are using to pull the air in and how it changes to push the air out. Continue this as long as you comfortably can.
The second area of focus is spot between your eyebrows. You can place your finger there and press on it like a button to feel the spot, where it is at on your forehead. With your eyes closed or mostly closed (whichever is most comfortable and relaxed), you’ll turn your head up slightly and gaze at this spot between your eyebrows. In the beginning, your eyeballs will probably turn upwards – its ok. You might feel some strain on your eyes, just go ahead and relax them when it gets uncomfortable. You can imagine that the spot is actually a hole. This hole goes back into your head a couple of inches. You can try to visualize this - it also aids in keeping the mind from wandering.
Now, combining the breath technique that I just explained, along with this gaze into your 3rd eye, you have a practice that you can perfect and build off of. You may just be able to focus on the breathing alone, and that’s okay. After some practice, it’ll become easier. You’ll notice when the mind wanders and starts thinking, it’s because you lost focus. Be aware of the thoughts that come in, and then let them go on the next exhale, out of the body – then continue to your focus. Just try not to let the mind stick to a thought. If you have a lot going on in your outside world, work, school, kids, relationships, etc., it will take more effort and time to calm the mind.
When you are able to effectively apply both of these techniques, the mind should be mostly quiet because all of its efforts are trying to focus on these techniques. As you gain more and more control over the mind, you can expand on these techniques. You can focus the breath so on the exhale, it’s pushing the air through the throat, nasal cavity, and then bypasses the nose and exits through the hole between your eyebrows. You can imagine the hole in your forehead as the exhaust port. All the thoughts and energies that came in during the inhale, are then exhaled out of the organism through this exhaust port. This would be sort of a stage 2 in your meditation practice.
As I mentioned, there are countless techniques. There are techniques called kriyas, mudras, tantra, pranayama, mantras, and so on. If you’re the type that needs to study and learn about all these methods and terminologies, then do that. The bottom line is, all techniques are just techniques to assist you in gaining control over the organism. With constant practice and devotion to your inner development, you will begin to separate consciousness from the mechanical or automatic processes of the body.
One will likely learn several or many techniques as one’s abilities increase and new methods will be needed to level up. Other techniques will no longer be needed. Ultimately one will begin to shed all techniques as the mind becomes healthier and the being, more conscious. Once consciousness grows to a certain point, intuition will begin to take over and guide the meditator – this is called the inner guru.
When I started my personal practice, after about 3 or 4 months I reached a plateau where I couldn’t penetrate any higher or reach a state of meditation that I had just experienced before. My body was in the way. My leg would go numb and get painful or my hips would begin to get soar…there were these knots in my system that my meditation techniques just couldn’t break through. My posture and the infrastructure of my body was not aligned enough for me to progress further. I had to begin doing Asanas (Yoga poses). Once I started adding these to my routine, everything changed and I started leveling up frequently. The awareness of my inner body grew at such an intense rate after this. The energy that I began to gather from my body (this is energy that has become separated from the body), squeezed itself into the deeper places of my body and within my brain. As this energy detaches from the body/machine, it adds to this larger mass of energy that you now have conscious control over. Once this mass is large enough and rises to a certain point in the body, it becomes conscious and the ego ceases to exist - one is truly experiencing a meditative state at this point. My mind and awareness continued stretch farther than I thought was possible for me.
This caused many things to change: my health, my diet, my thinking, how I saw the world, how I spent my time and who I spent my time with. All things began changing quickly. Little did I know then that all these changes were just the beginning of a transformation that would slowly develop week by week into much healthier life and a level of thinking and consciousness that I could never conceive of before this all started. Understand this, when you put all of your attention on observing your inner self, the way of healing yourself will be revealed.
Once one experiences this inner-energy and observes how it grows and expands, a relentless determination starts to take over and this devotion to merge with the light above starts becoming the dominating thoughts within the mind. There is no greater motivation then developing the wings for your eternal being.
I know that once the mind is stripped away, we all share the same truth and are all made of the same substance, this Fearless Love called consciousness – The Ray of Creation. If we all start working towards this, and begin developing our being, we can manifest collectively our Golden Age and eliminate the fear that is concealing it from us.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to this message. Please share with those around you who may be seeking the deeper questions about life, or those who looking for insights on how to kindle their inner flame.
Very well articulated William. I’ve been practicing Not Think for many many moons. Both yoga and kung fu have helped immensely. I like your analogy regarding writing! And completely agree that fear is the opposite of love. Reminds me of a saying from Don Juan that always stuck with me… “The predator has given us his mind”. (fear)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🙏