Apr 2·edited Apr 2Liked by William Timar

"May you find your light and illuminate all darkness on your path back home." This!!!!

THANK YOU! great article!

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Apr 4Liked by William Timar

I recognize real life experience in this article. Thank you for putting it out into the world.

I have a couple of thoughts:

1) I question whether we are truly in the Age of Aquarius. Everyone talks about this as if it is verified fact. But I would argue that we are in the Age of Libra, based on my understanding of both astrology and our recent history with respect to astrological understanding (history prior to any others that may have been destroyed and/or unknown to us). To explain it fully I’d have to write a detailed paper. But briefly- Libra is thematically about integration of opposites, and integration in general. We see this theme (in western civilization anyway) becoming a point of focus across various fields of knowledge: medicine, farming, the sciences, philosophy, psychology and so on. It is also about achieving a state of balance (as discussed in your article) in all things (which is required before advancing to the next zodiacal archetype, Scorpio - which is all about pushing the limits).

What is interesting is that each time a higher level of mastery is achieved in one archetype, it strengthens the functioning of the others. So in this particular case, if a sense of harmony and balance is achieved (Libra), then the Aquarian archetype present in all of us, for example, will be better able to change, progress, awaken and so forth (change, progress and awakening all falling within the Aquarian archetype).

Secondly, I wonder about insects sometimes and whether or not they are more or less “programs” without a consciousness, or if there is something more to them. There are, after all, beneficial insects for the soil and things that grow in them, and insects that are harmful to growth. But the interesting thing there, is that the harmful insects show up when there are imbalances in soil composition. Ultimately, they seem to be there to “clean up” on some level. People blame the arrival of insects for plant failure, but if one gardens long enough, they observe that when the soil is healthy (balanced), the harmful insects don’t intrude. So maintaining soil health is key.

Also related to insects, I once spoke to a dragonfly (of course I didn’t think I was actually speaking to it in the sense that it would understand anything I said, rather it was sort of a natural absentminded mess that was followed by surprising results). I was walking along the road and spotted a dragonfly lying off to the side. I worried that a car might drive right over it. So I attempted to move it gently with a small twig. It would not budge. I was puzzled and a bit frustrated. Finally, I held out my hand and asked aloud, “Would you prefer this?” Immediately following my question, it walked right into my hand and stayed there all the way home. I then placed it under a squash leaf in my garden and brought it some water. I stayed with it for a while but finally had to go inside. A couple of hours later I came back out to check on it but it was no longer there. It was a seemingly supernatural incident that occurred, and made me think about how much we as humans might really not understand about the non-human world.

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Regarding your theories on astrology, its an interesting point. I never paid much attention to astrology in the past, until I felt changes happening and I started seeking to understand. I mainly looked into the eastern philosophies and esoteric research. I found astrology and those concepts were all connected and essentially the same thing. I learned about the Yugas and that's really where my mind started grasping what was happening. The zodiac signs in the stars are more or less a guide that shows our solar system's position among the other celestial bodies. I discuss more on this in this article: https://seeker333.substack.com/p/mass-awakening-is-beginning?r=23hlzm.

Thanks again for engaging - loved the dragonfly experience by the way.

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Thank you for the article link and for your reply! I’ll take a look at it. :)

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Thank you for your comment and your kind words. When I was a child I was fascinated deeply with insects and small animals. My earliest memories were watching ants carry things into their little mound holes.

I've learned much about myself and life by observing nature. I found that nature is not "free-willed" in the sense that we are, rather, nature is connected directly with the Earth - which is also alive. The Earth vibrates its life force like all organisms. Even the mineral world vibrates, though with a much lower consciousness.

Through my own evolution, I realized my body is connected to the Earth similar to animals, however there is a finer, higher consciousness within that is observing it all. Nature is less evolved than this, thus we have a choice of breaking natures hold on us in our lifetime if we align ourselves properly. The "hold" that we have to the Earth is programmed within the ego. I saw that my ego had the same behavior as animals in nature, except at a level that was powerful enough to destroy nature around me in order to pursue its wants and desires.

Keep expanding your understanding of nature, while going deep into your self. The master key to this whole experience lies there.

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Apr 8Liked by William Timar

Again, thank you for this thoughtful reply. It’s interesting to ponder nature and its various levels of consciousness. I have not (unlike you) had any experiences such that I perceived my body to be connected to the earth, per se. Instead, I perceived (on one occasion only) that I was but one very small part of a vast network of “timing”, or “timed events”, for lack of a better way of knowing how to put it. I suppose people have referred to this sort of happening as a “flow” state, but it seemed more than that to me. It seemed like I had a perception of my own “flow state” as well as my immediate environment at large. But it seemed to me that this state is always slightly changing/in flux based on free will decisions being made at any given moment. Sort of like those old “Choose Your Own Adventure” stories.

Despite being “in flux” though, there is still a sense of all things/beings connectedly flowing along as well- even as all *them* are in their own states of continual flux. I think I’m doing a poor job of explaining it, but the experience did - even if just for a short while - grant a window into greater perception and expansion of my previously understood “reality”.

I wonder if anyone else here has experienced this kind of thing.

You also said something key - about humans’ ability to choose to break programming. I think to an extent, certain animals also have free will. But I’m not sure it’s the kind of will that can break programming. At least, I’ve never personally met an animal that seems to have accomplished this. But one can observe how one’s own pets behave, to get an understanding of where they are with respect to will. You might be taking your dog for a walk with a set direction in mind. The dog wants to go in an entirely different direction and suddenly there is a bit of a conflict. The dog might in the end acquiesce to you, but reluctantly. So it’s possible to see that they have wants of their own. Another example could be a dog liking one particular toy, even when 5 others are also available. (I have lately been feeling that this whole idea of “owning” an animal - however much we may love and care for them - is morally wrong, since pets - as far as I am aware - don’t get to choose/direct their fates. But that is another discussion altogether).

Lastly, you talked about goin “deeper into yourself.” How do you do this? I am always thinking and pondering, and I think this gets me to a certain point. But I do sometimes feel a bit stuck, and have trouble breaking through to new levels of understandings.

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Great insights, keep building off of them. They will morph into new and greater understandings of life as you keep your attention on them. Think of your attention as your "light." The more intense you focus your light on something, the more truth will reveal itself to you. This is also how you go "deeper into yourself." Learn how to meditate. Try different techniques... listen to tones, try mantras, etc. Learn pranayama and the various breathing techniques. In the beginning they may not amount to much other than feeling relaxed, however, subtly you begin building faculties within you that eventually will start to reveal themselves to you.

You'll begin to feel energies in your body, at first just tingles and small vibrations. Maybe hot or cold sensations. These will grow and grow. Eventually these will gravitate to whatever point you focus on within your body. Once this happens, you begin to become meditative and truly understand what it means to meditate. You then begin learning more about your body than you could ever learn in a classroom. I could go on and on, but it is like you said, experience is the key. I couldn't explain it in any way that you could fully grasp, you have to go there and experience it for yourself.

You'll begin to sense an "inner guru" that begins to guide you on how to progress. You'll suddenly have epiphanies or ideas that you should change your diet in some way, work on your body structure in some way (yoga), breathe a certain way, etc. You'll then start noticing patterns in your outside world. Everything starts speaking to you subtly, and guiding you, or giving you the knowledge that you need to move forward. It's pretty incredible, and its also something that is very personal - no one will understand. Its usually best to keep it to yourself as you grow your inner life. All of my articles relate to this stuff in one way or the other - writing is one of my ways of getting my mind to grasp what I understand on a very deep level, or how I turn into words, the information that comes to me when I am in altered states of mind when meditating. Yoga is key (which is meditating). Yoga means Union, union of the body and the "one" who resides within you observing it all. The goal is union. Keep seeking.

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Apr 10Liked by William Timar

The way you joined the idea of “going deeper” into oneself with the concepts of focus and attention on personal insights really speaks to me. It is so easy to get distracted with myriad things in the world. The idea that we need to consciously keep bringing ourselves back to building off existing insights is important and useful advice.

As for your other advice, I was always a bit cautious about mantras, as some of them use languages with which I am not familiar. I’ve heard it said that the use of some mantras can bring in unknown energetic attachments, or entities, and that not all of them may have “good” intent. So it seems important to know the meaning and origin of any mantra. Pranayama could be safe enough, and may be a good place to start…

I also wonder what your stance is on involvement with shamanic practice. I’ve found that while short term effects can be produced, they are fleeting without the support of a solid underlying foundation of understanding (insights). And I don’t think there is a short cut to obtaining insights. I think it something that requires sustained effort over time. So then I wonder just how useful shamanic practices are, how often they should be engaged in, and whether the rituals used to generate their effectiveness might in fact be debilitating in the long run. I’ve heard it told that rituals are limiting. Maybe they become a crutch, or a cap on one’s energy? There was one woman who wrote about how her initiation into Reiki actually “capped”/limited her existing abilities with respect to working with subtle energies, such that she decided to abandon Reiki altogether (and she somehow was able to remove the energetic cap, though I don’t recall the exact details).

I have always felt that one must be guided by an inner voice - an inner guru as you call it. There are as many paths as there are people and it should be a personal journey. This is why I tend to distrust celebrated gurus, life coaches, and many self described energetic healers, for example. They create a type of dependency. There is an implicit understanding that they are the “experts”. But we should endeavor to be our own experts, is what I’ve been thinking. This doesn’t mean we can’t learn from each other and share information in the process - like you are doing.

Also, I agree that it is probably best to keep the details of one’s inner progression to oneself for the most part. I can see how not doing so could actually put one at unnecessary risk, at a certain level. Manga novels would refer to it as “accumulating unnecessary karma”. :-) In fact, I think that *not* talking about it, and being more silent in general, is a product of higher levels of insight, from my experience.

We’ve been told the goal is union, with respect to yoga. But is it really union with the “one” residing within? How do we really know this? It’s just something that has been repeated often. It could be union with something else entirely, and one would never know that until it happens. So while I have practiced yoga, that is my hesitation to committing to that particular path. I’ve noticed that some paths claiming to offer liberation really just involve allegiance to a god of some sort, of which there are many. The act of allegiance seems to give the god strength, which is why, I suppose, that the only unforgivable sin in this life and the next (according to both the Bible and the Quran) is “speaking ill of God.” Speaking ill of any deity stands to reduce allegiance to that deity, which implies a reduction in strength.

I’m getting a little off track now, but thank you for responding so thoughtfully and for sharing your ideas.

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The problem with Yoga is that it became "westernized." Most people, even those who take "yoga classes," have no concept what it actually is. It's become an exercise class for most. You mentioned the religious / deity component, this is the Hinduism influence. Yoga is actually a technology for aligning the body and penetrating one's consciousness into higher dimensions - creating union with the source of our true self. Everything else is just propaganda and marketing. Meditation is the core component of Yoga. The asanas (postures that most are familiar with) are a small part of yoga - the purpose of these are to free up energies within the body and to help align the body - think of the body as an antenna. Yoga is meant to tune this antenna and then to harmonize the energies in the body so one can liberate from the 5 senses. Reiki, hatha, kriya, kundalini, karma, tantra, etc.. are all forms of yoga that focus on different functions of the body or different methods. I wouldn't get caught up in all the different brandings and gift wrap that these marketers advertise.

You should understand the mantra, and what it means if you intend on adding one to your practice. It should resonate with your inner feelings, however the core of the mantra is not really the words - its the vibration it produces. The sounds Ahhh, Ehhh, Ommm. All produce different frequency vibrations within the body. This is where AMEN comes from. Its the sound frequency. Everything is energy, frequency and vibration:


There are a million ways, some follow darker ways because its "easier" to develop the faculties, however it ends up to be detrimental to the body and the soul later on. Just research Aleister Crowley and how is end turned out. Watch out for the Shamans. Many of these are not genuine, but think they are because they took high doses of DMT or mushrooms to experience higher worlds. These substances to offer healing benefits, but that should be the purpose of them. You must learn how to develop the faculties within your onw body to reach these higher worlds - this is the evolution.

The truth is, when one is ready for the way, at his deepest core, the way will find him. Might I suggest these books, in this order, if you are looking for a good foundation of knowledge as you search for your path?

Kriya yoga exposed - SantataGamana

In search of the miraculous - PD Ouspensky

The Sacred Secretion - Kelly Marie Kerr

The Way of Initiation - Rudolf Steiner

The Kybalion - The three initiates

If you read all these, you're foundation of knowledge will really be stable to start zeroing in on a practice to begin the inner transmutation process.

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Ha. Just saw that I also share the same Sun sign as PD Ouspensky. But I find Kelly Marie Kerr to be a bit suspect. She starred in a film called “Wonderland”. Looking Glass / Monarch programming? She may be controlled.

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My apologies for the late reply to your (once again) very thoughtful post. I appreciate your thoughts regarding the commercialization of yoga. Like the commercialization of many other systems of belief and thought, it shouldn’t be surprising that yoga has fallen victim to this. Regarding the liberation from the 5 senses- I wonder why we arrived here on this very earthly planet, only to feel that we must struggle to liberate ourselves from it entirely. I’m thinking there must be a way to create a functional integration between the material and subtle realms. After all, there are many wonderful things that can be experienced and learned in both the material and subtle world, I think. But there is a pervasive idea that operating in both is not desirable; it must be one or the other. I wonder why this is. Clearly there is something I do not understand about this.

Thank you so much for the book recommendations.

I’m going to read the one by Steiner first, as we evidently share the same Sun sign.

P.S.- I never got a good feeling about Crowley. But I am not familiar with the details of his death. I’ll look into that.

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I second the comment by Vanessa. We are indeed luminous beings. Great post William and I look forward to hearing about the techniques you have learned.

Thank you! 🙏

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Thanks so much for the nice comment Vanessa. 🙏

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