As the great awakening unfolds, more people begin to delve into the hidden and obscured knowledge of history, religion, and the human being. One might find himself reading books on esoteric knowledge and the mystery schools, or even deep government conspiracy theories. Some even begin developing an overall distrust for mainstream information. This curiosity is a symptom of a deeper energy that is becoming increasingly active within our being. For example, one may begin seeing the “parroting” done by mainstream news agencies, global corporations and governments. If one focuses just on the message, its assumed that the message is fact because every “official” broadcast is saying the same thing. Once an individual becomes more objective about what is being fed into the senses and how its being collaborated, it often results one to question the validity of the message: are all these sources saying the same thing because its indisputable fact, or is it a narrative being rolled out to manipulate me in some way? The latter is becoming easier to accept simply by looking back at recent history of the media and how they manipulated us into believing or supporting something that all-so-often turns out to be bogus afterwards.
These narratives and brainwashing tactics become clearer and more obvious when one starts paying more attention to the copy-cat pattern rather than only the message itself. Attention is consciousness. Once consciousness becomes focused, eventually the zone of focus will open itself up if enough energy or will is applied to the issue. Consciousness is like the root of a tree. The root can grow and expand to the point that it’s able to pulverize the hardest of stone. What’s beginning to happen now is that more and more of the general public is waking up to the fact that the entire mainstream media empire, and everything they push through our electronic devices, is all one big dog and pony show. Even the education system and the history we were taught is now coming into question.
If you’ve read my last article where I discussed the relationship between the chaotic times that we are experiencing now and how they correlate with specific cosmic patterns, you might begin to see that there is a connection. If you can accept that everything, when broken down into the its most basic form, is an energetic vibration, Then you could connect the dots from one wave of energy and how its affecting another - like the ripple affect in a pond of water. The effects of that energy are observable. These effects are our actions and behaviors - which are emotionally driven. Emotion is an energy. Once this awareness occurs, a light bulb goes off.
Patterns begin holding more meaning, rather than just some random circumstance. One might begin taking notice of historical patterns and how worldwide events seem to be cyclical in some way. Interest and attention to prophesies and biblical or religious stories begin to grow within those who are awakening. Stories, fables and folklore now hold deeper meanings as subtle truths start becoming decoded within one’s consciousness. Once the mind expands, it cannot retract back into its original frame.
Click here to read my previous article:
Today, society is becoming overwhelmed with misinformation, disinformation, conflicting information as-well-as catastrophic events happening worldwide. It’s been happening slowly over many decades, but in the last few years, this chaos has been accelerating at an unimaginable rate. Forgetting about energy and cosmic cycles, what has changed here on Earth? Where is the source of all this coming from on our observable level? Is it centralized? If you think like this, its because you are tapping into intelligence. If you’re called a conspiracy theorist, that’s the system’s way of intimidating someone as a defense mechanism (coined by the CIA during the JFK assassination).
Here are some sources worth considering: The first, it could all just be some random chain of events and its’ all just coincidence. That’s the easy way out and doesn’t require any further examination. I would then ask: how many random events need to happen before you notice that there is an indisputable pattern that is impossible to be random? Trust me, its better to discuss these topics with open minds rather than sleeping ones. People have to wake up on their own, otherwise you’ll just make enemies.
A second source: there is a puppet master or centralized group here on Earth coordinating it all. This of course, is my conclusion. Let’s call it the Cabal or Cult. Let me further explain the meaning of the word Cult:
Cult and Occult. Cult is a group of devotees or sect, usually in some form of religious worship. Occult means hidden or concealed and is related to secret knowledge. This often refers to esoteric knowledge and history. Knowledge is neutral until it is used for particular purposes.
When a Cult uses secret knowledge (Occult) for its own benefit, at the exploit of others, it is considered left-handed, or a Dark Cult. If it is used to advance a culture or cause for benevolent purposes (self-less), it’s considered right-handed. Both of these terms, Cult and Occult, have generated a darker meaning among the general public mainly from the dogmas and propaganda (mind control) orchestrated by the Churches, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, and because of individuals like Aleister Crowley and Anton LaVey.
At first, accepting the idea that there is some elite, hidden group controlling and manipulating the entire civilization can be a hard nut to swallow. That’s good, you should be skeptical. In fact, you should be a healthy skeptic about anything that is being told or sold to you. Again, that’s called intelligence. However, after I explain some fundamental facts about Occult knowledge and how the human mind operates, you’ll begin to see the hidden framework of our current epoch here on Earth and how it relates to many of the events that have been taking place in the world recently. I think if your attention is tuned in, the conclusion will be clear.
The advantage the Cult has over the population, is Occult knowledge. These people know way more truth about the universe and universal laws, the human body, and spirituality than the general population. There are many techniques that they can use to control populations: Poisons and chemicals in the medicine and in food and water is one way to keep people distracted with health problems, mental illness problems, gender and sexuality problems, DNA altering changes happening generationally, numbing the mind, etc. etc. If you’ve been paying attention, then you’re probably becoming aware of those tactics already.
The other technique is even more deceptive and more sinister, mind control. To understand how mind control is used by the Cult, one needs to have a basic understanding of how the brain is structured:
To keep it simple, there are 3 main parts of the brain: the left brain, the right brain, and the R-complex. The left brain or neo cortex (new brain), is the most advanced part of the brain—it’s what give us our human intellect. Its characteristics are masculine and deals with everything that is rooted in the physical, material world (logic, science, math, language, technology). It is very structured and task oriented.
The right brain is feminine in nature and deals with the emotional aspects of the brain. Creativity, spirituality, and a compassion for living things are all characteristics of the right brain, which is also called the limbic system or mammal brain.
Finally, the R-complex, or the reptilian brain; it is the ancient construct of the brain. It is responsible for instincts and survival. If you consider the development of the human brain, millions of years ago the human brain would consist of mainly the R-complex, then developed the limbic system, and finally today the neo cortex. So, if you observed the human in its original form, during the beginning of our physical evolution, our brain and spinal cord would basically match a reptile’s brain and spinal cord.
Occult knowledge understands the functioning of each part of the brain. Most people tend to be imbalanced in some aspect, either they are left or right brain dominant. If the left brain is dominant, this person’s consciousness extends only to the physical, material world. It is logic based: science, math, language, tasks, etc. The greater the dominance of the left brain, the more likely a person will display aggressive and narcissistic characteristics. The more left brain, the more identified a person become with their body and mind. Their experience is on the more extreme side of duality. Intuition and spirituality are not brought into the consciousness of someone who is severely left-brain dominant. Moreover, this type of imbalance can lead to mental conditions such as superiority complexes and acute narcissism.
If the left-brain hemisphere becomes completely dominant, the right hemisphere suffers and can actually become damaged and dysfunctional. When this happens, the areas of this part of the brain that produce and manage the electro-chemical processes related to emotions start to degrade. The person becomes largely emotionless with no consideration to spiritual, emotional, or creative aspects of consciousness. The person can become very aggressive if they don’t get what they want. They want dominance and the control over others. Eventually, the limbic system will begin to shut down all-together. Interestingly, when that happens, the R-complex part of the brain takes over command and control. The person then is governed by the nature of the reptilian brain. Essentially, the individual’s consciousness becomes fear based and in “fight or flight” mode. Intuition gone. Intelligence and rational problem solving, greatly diminished. This can account for many symptoms of more severe mental illnesses.
Conversely, when the right brain becomes completely dominant, the person becomes a slave to their feelings and emotions. They lose their roots in physical reality and become ungrounded in a debilitating way. They become very passive, self-loathing, feelings of unworthiness, and easily manipulated—believing everything they hear. They don’t like to engage problems or real-world situations, rather they prefer to escape—which tends to lead to addictions, manic depression and other adverse behaviors. Dominance of the limbic system leads to a victim and slave mentality where they allow others to walk over them or dominate them in some way. Moreover, they live in fear. When the right brain becomes completely dominant, the reptilian brain shuts down—which is opposite of left-brain dominance. Instead, they surrender to fear, aggression, and have runaway emotional states; whereas the reptilian controlled brain would attack or try to escape in the face of fear or aggression.
The main point here is that a left brain dominated person is aggressive, sometimes physically aggressive. They are the master and are consciously seeking to dominate others. The right brain dominated person is the one who surrenders to being dominated. They will follow any orders given and become a willing slave. These are the types of people sought out by those who are looking to promote more outlandish or inverted types of social changes. The way the brain functions determines how we behave and how we experience the world. If enough stimulus can be focused on specific triggers like fear or victimhood, can you see how the media, corporations, and governments can manipulate and deceive target groups within populations into supporting ludicrous, even malevolent agendas? Imagine if focused stimulus were purposely pushed on a population in order to serve some agenda or ideology? There are people who understand completely how the brain works and mind control is their weapon.
The methods of mind control are very subtle and devious. Here is another example how this knowledge can be applied to a population:
In many societies around the world, especially the Western society, the activities of business, careers, making money and chasing after material wealth brings much stress and aggressiveness to the population collectively. The fast-paced culture of technology has us accomplishing tasks at a rate unheard of in the past. All of this activity and technical know-how puts our neo-cortex into overdrive, in fact, the left brains of the world are generally redlining. We love to see genuine talent and artistic abilities in people but our education and corporate system generally neglect the limbic system of creativity, compassion, and emotion. This causes the chemical imbalances mentioned earlier. When people finally get home and are done for the day, what do they generally do next? Veg out on some social media or reality show, perhaps binge watch some mindless TV series? Have you considered why these things are such an escape from the day and why they help us relax?
The activities mentioned above offer relief because they generate emotions and electro-chemical activity which are processed by the limbic system. People seek comedies, adventures, dramas, and other sorts of entertainment and stimulus because those emotions generally are not experienced during our left-brain dominated daily work routine; thus, our system is starving for balance. In order to balance, the system requires “feel good” chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. Experiencing emotions from this sort of entertainment bring sudden release of chemicals and allows for rapid subconscious absorption. Emotions trigger the subconscious more than left-brain activity. During this period of relief, we are inundated with propaganda and television programs that send messages right into the subconscious. This is well known by those who wish to manipulate a population. What are you watching?
Considering all of this, could intentional mind control be playing a major role in many the social problems we are experiencing today?
When attention shifts to the growing number of social issues that we are facing today, an awakened soul starts observing how these issues propagate from one form of media to the other, in one interconnected system that feeds you its version of reality on a TV, computer screen or smart phone. By mass marketing this technology, governments in alliance with global corporations can propagate these mind control techniques to entire populations, or specific groups. This is why your data is so valuable. If one detaches emotionally from the content, the narratives show their true purpose: They are telling your mind what and how to think. When one sees the parroting done by many different forms of media, and figures out that they are all controlled by the same organizations, coincidence has to be ruled out. Think about the Covid plandemic and how nearly every government, major corporation, and mainstream news agency all instantly parroted the same message, as if all reading from the same teleprompter.
There is a shepherd hiding in the shadows, and those who promote it’s mind control are the sheep dogs. The Cult’s network of control is highly compartmentalized so most sheep dogs don’t know who the shepherd is. These layers of control have been in development for millennia.
There is much to discuss and the rabbit hole goes deeper than you can imagine. In fact, this Cult’s history goes back thousands of years and all major religions have been either created or modified by the bloodlines of this tiny group of unknowns in order to facilitate specific roles and behaviors within a culture. Yes, they are unknowns, the ones you know about are just public figures chosen to be the public faces for their specific agendas.
We are now experiencing the beginning of a new energy cycle, sourced from the cosmos and beyond. This change is causing old systems to collapse and lose their effect on mankind. You can witness the desperation as insane amounts of money and manpower are applied to their operations. Expect even more drastic measures to be used to stop the dam of information from collapsing into the mainstream. From the climate crisis scam, to the upcoming Alien god narrative, much is coming that will create a total upheaval of everything that we’ve been taught that was the truth.
You must get ready spiritually, for the time of evolution is now. Despite how it appears on our earthly plane of limited consciousness, we are living in quite possibly the greatest time of human history; a time where one can use the circumstances of the present to evolve into a higher being of awareness and divine power – what we were always were meant to be.
The evolution is first realizing how your body/mind is a machine and you are energy that powers it. In order to realize this, you must experience it. And that leads to the second part of the evolution: how to begin the transformation by activating the dormant energies within the body. You may have already begun the process unknowingly – the cosmic energy finds those who begin tuning into its frequency. Stay tuned for more.
I am glad you are searching but you missed something crucial.
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I have studied this in depth. This "Great Awakening" is a fraud. People are not awakening. They are simply becoming enslaved in a different cage.
Gregory Bateson called it mass schizophrenia. It is induced by exploiting double-binds on developing children. He went to work for the CIA and perfected the technique. Then through mass media they unleashed it on the unsuspecting world.