The Force Behind the Great Awakening
The Great Divine Pattern of our Age is Unfolding Before our Eyes.
Evidence shows, from the discoveries of the earliest human civilizations (which keep going further back in time as more information is revealed), that our ancestors were keenly aware of the cosmic patterns of our celestial heavens. You can find this evidence carved in stone within ancient megalithic structures, and even many of the structures themselves, were precisely aligned with cosmic patterns such as the solstices and specific stars and constellations. There were even calendars that were tuned to specific patterns in the cosmos.
Still to this day, many of these artifacts, writings and site ruins perplex scientists. The vastness in scale and the complexity of many of these structures is just beyond what we were taught by mainstream education about how sophisticated these past civilizations actually were. Furthermore, many of us are beginning to realize that much of our knowledge about who we are and where we came from has been cunningly suppressed, and not so long ago, fiercely protected. Even today, people are waking up to the fact that the knowledge that they don’t want us to know is being censored and people who are promoting such knowledge and ideas are finding themselves intimidated, their careers destroyed, and in some cases their lives’ threatened.
Many who follow this unfoldment of suppressed knowledge are beginning to see a pattern developing. A pattern of truth and knowledge that is breaking out of the arcane walls of concealment. We see this information coming out in books, the internet, in movies, and even the mainstream media can no longer withhold all that has been hidden without looking like a complete mind-control monstrosity (the cat’s out of the bag on that understanding now). Each week it seems, more awareness comes to humanity. But why now and how?
If you are relating to this, you are probably seeing the pattern of chaos that is unfolding and accelerating throughout the world. Wars, pandemics, deep corruption, relentless deception, medical tyranny, an out-of-control technocracy; you name it, its here now or its on its way very soon. Most of these events are considered major, or historic, but they quickly lose their significance as the next event unfolds. Speaking of which, what happened to Ukraine? Old news now? This pattern of historic and significant events that come and go like weekend hangovers are telling me that something truly epic beyond all estimation is building up.
There is yet another pattern that some are aware of, but most are not. This is the pattern I spoke of in the beginning, that our ancestors understood; the cosmic patterns. Specifically, a solar-galactical pattern (not sure if that description is proper one, but I think its meaning is clear). The Mayans built their calendar to time this pattern. Do you remember when December 2012 was suppose to be the end of the world because that’s when the Mayan calendar ended? The modern-day, Gregorian calendar was used to decipher their cosmically-aligned calendar, and the non-event that never happened in December 2012 made a mockery of anyone who was aware and being influenced by the knowledge of the ancients.
However, If an older, less “meddled-with” calendar was used, such as the Ethiopian calendar, we would have noted that the end of the cosmic pattern it was following would end 7 years later. December 2012 would have been December of 2019. Many people felt the world begin to change around that time. Some of us had major personal changes in our lives happen around that time. We had the Covid plandemic which polarized the entire planet. Many religious and esoteric writings referred to this coming shift in the world. It doesn’t take much research to connect the dots to ancient tales, parables, and prophetic events that can easily be connected to this present age.
The ancient east called these eras of humanity, or perhaps better defined as shifts in consciousness, as Yugas. Other cultures have names or descriptions that may differ, but the essence is pretty much all the same. Today astronomers use the constellations to define these concepts, such as The Age of Aquarius (our age today). Although today, in our materialistic civilization, the depths of these cosmic cycles are not understood or even entertained much in the science community. The point is, the ages that were defined in ancient history are connected to the Cosmos.
We are aware of the patterns of our solar system, the sun and moon in relation to the planets. But beyond that, it gets a little more ambiguous. Our sun is travelling in a pattern, within the spinning of our galaxy. This pattern, if you were able to draw it, would have a kaleidoscope pattern that circles the center of our galaxy. As the sun moves closer to the center, the ages advance (enlighten or ascend), while as it moves away from the center, the ages descend or materialize (harden).
Think of enlightenment or ascension (moving closer to the center of the galaxy, where the light is) as becoming more spiritual (right brain, intuition, psychic abilities, the 3rd eye, higher consciousness, and so on). I then refer to material as opposite, a dense state (left brain, egoic, 5 senses only, intellect, science, robots, technology). Towards the center of the galaxy the light intensifies, away from it, it weakens. Are you seeing the relationship: Light vs dark, spiritual vs material, gas vs water, order vs chaos, good vs evil. Welcome to the frequency of duality that we experience. If you think of these opposing forces as positive and negative electrical charges, the mind can begin to understand the concept of one side becoming more polarized than the other, hence the dark ages vs light ages. Cosmically, its just a measure of distance from the power source, the center of the Milky Way.
If you take this basic understanding, you can begin deciphering some of the ancient writings, symbols and parables. This cosmic pattern is also symbiotic with the body. I’m sure you’ve heard the Hermetic expression, as below so above, as within so without? It applies here. Libraries of books are written just on this subject alone, but often they need to be decoded. If you study Astrology and the Zodiac, you can begin to find the relationship between cosmic cycles and the biological cycles in our body. The female menstrual cycle is monthly, there are 12 months in a year. The moon has 12 cycles in a year, etc. etc. All this knowledge is out there. We could go deep just on this subject.
What major change we are seeing now has to do with the solar cycle and the center of the galaxy. Our sun’s light is connected to the light from the center of the galaxy (think of it as a circuit of power). As it moves closer, the sun’s power increases, thus our DNA and spiritual essence (subtle energy) starts to energize within our body. We become more aware, intuitive, psychic, etc. When I speak of the sun’s energy, the galaxy’s energy and our energy, I am referring to the subtle energy that is not acknowledged by the science community; in other terms, its called spiritual energy. The esoteric community has known and understood this concept for millennia.
In the bible humanity “fell” or descended. That means we were moving away from the center, towards “darkness” both cosmically and spiritually (as above, so below). Towards darkness is towards materialism. In materialism, we developed the neo cortex (the left brain) and became sharply intellectual. We create technology, develop science, and so on. What we as humans are experiencing by being in the physical frequency of reality, is the evolutionary cycle. We “fall” to develop our material selves, the body and the mind. We rise to connect back to our source and integrate the two (this can be depicted in the Star of David, the two opposing triangles coming together to form the star).
Going back to patterns. If you’re following me and are aware of these patterns of knowledge and patterns of chaos both happening right now on Earth, know that the source of both is coming from the cosmos, the “solar-galactical” pattern. There is also another level beyond that, where all this energy is emanating from, but we’ll leave that discussion for another newsletter as we continue to dig deeper within ourselves and the universe that we experience. It’s important to develop and understand these concepts before trying to open up the mind to other, deeper understandings of life.
Remember how the Mayans sacrificed people to “the gods” during the solar eclipse? The general population were deceived into believing that by sacrificing (supplying blood) to the Gods, that the Gods would spare them and turn the sun back on. They knew without the sun, they wouldn’t survive. Now this might not be a completely accurate portrayal of the reasoning that they performed these blood rituals, but idea of how they used suppressed knowledge to control and manipulate the population is a great example of how those in power today can promote atrocities and hold a tyrannical rule by creating fear and false-flag crises.
Using that ideology to what’s going on today: we have the climate change crisis (was called global warming but that name doesn’t quite fit anymore since too much evidence shows the Earth is not showing any unnatural warming cycle when compared to known history). If you know the sun is going to become more intense, or gravity might change because of some cosmic pattern that is unfolding, and the general population doesn’t, couldn’t you figure out many ways to deceive the people to enrich and empower yourself? If you also understand that this solar cycle will raise consciousness in humanity, wouldn’t it make sense to eliminate as much of the population as possible, or risk your source of power to become known? Are we not seeing their moves and debunking their lies more and more each week? Doesn’t it seem that more people are waking up to their mind control of lies and deception? Humanity is ascending in consciousness whether we’re aware of it or not.
The chaos that we are seeing now is an act of desperation. Light is beginning to shine on darkness. This is happening in spiritual dimensions, as it’s happening right here on Earth – again, As below, so above. When one shines light on cockroaches, they scatter. Dark forces are in the fear-mode to stay in power because they know that the light is growing stronger. Their treachery and darkness go so deep down the rabbit hole, many people would break through the veil and become enlightened instantaneously if they knew the extent of it. The worst fear of those who are truly ruling the planet, is that our eye opens, our spiritual eye, the 3rd eye. It’s not just mystical, it’s a biological process. This is why Christ had to speak in parables, because back then, they were murdered for sharing such knowledge – and they were murdered. We are the greatest danger to their rule, the bloodlines they control, and ultimately their existence. What we truly are as beings is beyond anything that we’ve been taught. I’m excited to dig deeper on this subject in an upcoming newsletter.
They are using every means necessary to keep the population distracted, unhealthy, and in fear. These emotional states keep one’s vibration lower and allows people to be herded up much easier. Many are seeing how they gain power and create tyranny through crisis. If we allow them to have emergency powers during a crisis, there will always be another crisis. The truth is that they cannot stop what’s coming. You hear talk about blocking out the sun, creating artificial sunlight, creating a virtual reality world (like Metaverse), AI controlling everything like The Matrix movie? All are acts of desperation to try and maneuver and entrap our consciousness to save themselves from annihilation. All are attempts to keep our attention, our consciousness, distracted from the truth, and our 3rd eye shut.
Make no mistake, very soon more people will start developing “sixth senses” and other abilities that were a common trait with our ancestors - this is why they knew all this stuff. The difference now is, we have developed the intellectual mind from our fall into darkness. Now our purpose is to integrate this upgraded brain with our true self, our light body. Yoda from Star Wars said it correctly, “We are luminous beings.” Our ego minds will begin becoming dismantled during the coming chaos, and many of us will begin to transmute into higher conscious beings. The program that we’ve been chained to is losing its energy as the solar system ascends, so those tied to the darkness will continue to wreak havoc on the population until enough souls awaken and put an end to the insanity.
There is no escape from what’s coming. Not money, not underground bunkers or off-planet colonies. The way to liberate ourselves is to raise our inner vibration. This can happen sooner if one begins the practice the things that Christ and his apostles were teaching and also the old sages of the past. The essence of the practice can be found in all religions, but again, are mystified and encoded. The real Yoga is a technology to liberate, as is Kabballah and others taught by the mystery schools. We are energy and everything that we can sense is energy; even our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Everything is energy; everything has a frequency. Yoga means union or to join or unite. To detach ones consciousness from the senses and join with the source - to become one again.
The uniqueness of this era and the polarized nature of our reality, make this process much easier now, than in the past. People are spontaneously becoming awakened and experiencing strange symptoms because of the energy change that’s coming into the world. Learn about the Sacred Secretion, the Kundalini or Holy Ghost. Learn about what Christmas really means and the biological process that happens in the body when one cleanses his body during specific cycles of the Zodiac, meditates, and adopts a more spiritual lifestyle.
The second coming of Christ is not going to be Jesus on a white horse, charging down from the sky with an army of angels to fight the wicked. The second coming of Christ is referring to the physical evolution that will take place within the body, and bring the essence of Christ consciousness within one’s own body here on Earth. Remember the saying of Corinthians 6:16, “know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own.”
Turn your body into a temple, and the Holy Ghost (Kundalini), which when awakened, will begin the evolutionary process and break the illusion, so one can be of Christ consciousness. This is the time we were born for, to evolve into our higher form; it is possible now in this lifetime. Learn how to let go of the five senses; do whatever is necessary to shake away your connection to the body and abide in the one source, the nature of true self, the Atman; the I am.
Stay tuned for more knowledge on the inner quest and insights on what this reality that we are all experiencing, is trying to teaching us. Peace be with you.
“ If we allow them to have emergency powers during a crisis, there will always be another crisis.”
I agree with you on this.
Question- Given your current level of practice and realization , how do world events - and other events seemingly outside your control- affect you now? Are you angry about them? Sad? Afraid? What about when you think of others? It’s one thing to be able to wake up oneself, and to avoid repeating a cycle of endless suffering. But what about others who are suffering? Especially those we think of as innocent- such as animals and children? One thing I never felt was right, is the idea that animals are allowed to suffer. If humans are the cause of their own suffering, then that’s one thing. Perhaps they/we deserve our current circumstances. But what have animals ever done? Why should they be victims of the human pathology? It seems like this would be the antithesis of any moral, universal law or thought process.
Thank you William, for spending the time to share your thought process.
We think alike.