Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by William Timar

“ If we allow them to have emergency powers during a crisis, there will always be another crisis.”

I agree with you on this.

Question- Given your current level of practice and realization , how do world events - and other events seemingly outside your control- affect you now? Are you angry about them? Sad? Afraid? What about when you think of others? It’s one thing to be able to wake up oneself, and to avoid repeating a cycle of endless suffering. But what about others who are suffering? Especially those we think of as innocent- such as animals and children? One thing I never felt was right, is the idea that animals are allowed to suffer. If humans are the cause of their own suffering, then that’s one thing. Perhaps they/we deserve our current circumstances. But what have animals ever done? Why should they be victims of the human pathology? It seems like this would be the antithesis of any moral, universal law or thought process.

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Great question. As I began to take interest in world events, and dive deeper by looking into conspiracy theories and such, I started to feel a pattern emerge that pointed to something dark and sinister that was controlling the planet. This realization and also the realization that I wasn't in conscious control of my body are the main things that started leading me to seek higher knowledge and "a way out." I feel the same way about animals and those who are innocent. If you've had a child, you really begin to feel this - its a magical experience. Being on the path that I was, when I saw my son being born in blew my heart open and I realized how, though he was my son here on Earth, I am actually just a host to another divine spark of God - who came into this physical realm through his parents portal of flesh and spiritual alchemy. I have a deep respect and caring for God's creatures.

How I feel about all the suffering in the world now has changed very much. I'm sure it will continue to change as my experience continues to unfold. I used to get emotional about things - sometimes I still do, especially when it involves children or extreme cruelty to nature. It's changing a lot now though. As your inner eye starts coming online, you realize that everything is suffering, at one level or another. The caterpillar suffers to the point where if finally encapsulates itself with its own vomit, dies in one form, only to evolve and break out into a new form. Without the suffering, it would have just enjoyed spending his days eating until he dropped dead. This is like humans being so attached to the 5 senses, If they cease to distract you and keep you attached to the world, we might begin to build our own cocoon. If we do not wake up, and continue on thinking that we will eventually become fulfilled by the senses, we'll fall off the tree and die one day.

In the soil (Earth), everything suffers. But it is here where one can decide to germinate. You cannot fly into higher worlds until you've developed yourself from the affliction and suffering of the parasites that dwell here.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Thank you again for replying! I also recognized the sinister patterns you refer to, many years ago. It is the reason I decided against having children. On some level I knew that I couldn’t begin to teach another human any of the important things, such as self realization and breaking free until I learned them first myself - which I reasoned would possibly take an entire lifetime and more. I’m not saying my decision was the only or correct one. It was just what I personally decided to do.

On the idea of the necessity of suffering…. I’ve often thought about this.

I think that, while it can be instructive, suffering is not in fact necessary in order to grow and learn. I think that suffering is growth and learning done the *hard* way.

For example - one can both learn that a stove is hot, and avoid getting burned at the same time (i.e.- suffering) simply by listening to one’s parents’ warning not to touch it. In other words, one needn’t get burned in order to learn. I think this analogy can be applied in general to learning experiences. Moreover, children do not suffer in their learning, if they are accompanied by loving, guiding parents. They are naturally curious, and excited about learning, which subsequently fosters growth as a natural consequence. However once they are exposed to the mind numbing schooling programs, competition and pressure, the love and joy of learning is snuffed out, and there begins the journey to becoming an automaton. The entire system in which we live is designed to ensure maximum probability of this happening. This system of hierarchy is designed around the ideas of mandatory suffering and subsequent death, which I think are symptoms of pathological courses of action actually.

I have been considering that perhaps some of the religious texts are correct in their assertions that our troubles (pathologies) have arisen due to lack of adherence to godly principles. I refer to godly principles of the Abrahamic religions, as I am not familiar with the details of other world religions. Assuming the existence of a just god, who would not force human creations to obey godly principles (free will being a condition applied by a just creator) it could be the case that the human creations used their free will to rebel against godly principles - like the teenager who wants to do things *his* way but lacks the experience to understand how that way might be harmful to him in the long run. We insisted on touching hot stoves perhaps, metaphorically speaking, and so in keeping with our wishes, god left us to our own devices to do so. This is a path of learning in which suffering is inherent and it is not easy. It is much easier to listen to the loving parents who only have your best interests at heart when they pass down the rules to live by. So I think given where we are now, that it makes sense that this could have possibly happened with us. But I don’t think the suffering needs to be endless, or that it is even necessary in general. I think that it is a condition of our specific circumstances, because maybe we unwisely chose that path. I could be wrong. I don’t have the whole picture obviously, but this is my current line of thinking on the matter. But still, none of this explains why the animals are suffering. That is the one piece that seems incredibly unjust to me. If I were a creator, I’d leave the humans to figure things out amongst themselves, if that’s what they insisted on doing- but I’d remove the animals from any harm that humans would be likely to cause.

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Thank you William, for spending the time to share your thought process.

We think alike.

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Thank you for the kind words. God bless

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Let me prove to you that this great awakening is a false one and we are still asleep.

Here is how hypnosis really works on a population.

Simply substitute the term CIA for "hypnotist" and Child Ego State Human for "victim"


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Thanks for your comments. The great awakening, as I perceive it, is the beginning of a process. Its the stirring of consciousness. You're right that many will get caught in the spiderweb on the way to the realization that the reality we experience, is produced by us. The trap was set long ago and the program took over. I've seen the grid of our hologram, and how it connects to our program (the ego). Until the ego is destroyed, we will continue to be tricked and deceived by the Matrix. The "tunnel of light" is part of the program, and will suck ones soul right back into a new womb, memory wiped. To escape the loosh farm. We must go within, and force the serpent into the light. May the light consume us brother.

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I have heard about the tunnel of light being a trick and the memory wipe, etc. Ultimately though, our memories exist somewhere, correct? Supposedly the Akashic Records hold all such information…?

Have you ever experienced memories of past lives? Some people claim to have memory of past lives, and assuming this is the case it seems

the memory wipes may not be entirely successful. Thoughts on this? Is it possible to regain the memories, that you know of? I understand if you do not want to comment on this publicly.

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The tunnel of light theory may be correct, however, if you develop an astral body within the flesh, upon death you can transcend this vacuum that sucks the conscious spark back into the simulation. This is my opinion though. I have no memory of past lives that I'm aware of. I believe this faculty will be developed as humanity evolves. The Akash is like the database of the universe. All memory is in the body, when the body dies, the energies (where memories and stored) become part of the Akashic field. When you break free from the senses and start experiencing the subtle bodies within, you can start tapping into this field. So in theory, if you develop this ability enough, you could tap into the memories of your past bloodline.

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