Greetings Seekers. It is September 2024, and whether you are a new seeker or a veteran whose been researching the perplexities of the human experience, this article may bring a practical approach for one to begin solving the deeper mysteries of reality. Indeed, as of late, we as a race have been experiencing a flood of information and far-out perspectives about reality that goes beyond anything we could have imagined less than a decade ago. If you’ve been following my previous articles, you might be aware that there is a cosmic energy cycle that is behind all of this upheaval, which is causing this extraordinary change in consciousness. A summary of this cosmic cycle can be found in the article, The Force Behind the Great Awakening:
In this article, I want to specifically discuss a practical method for developing the inner-light and the faculties that will activate once this light begins to amplify. For most people, “the light” is just a spark that has been imprisoned within the five bodily senses of touch, taste, smell, vision, and hearing. This “spark” that I’m referring to IS this energy that is powering up your human. In order to awaken higher centers within the body, one must learn how to disconnect this energy from the senses. Once this happens, developing the inner faculties can begin.
Begin Purifying the Body
When I use the word body, I’m also referring to the mind – they are synonymous for the purposes of this article. Before I discuss methods, one must understand this: the body and mind has been subjected to many forms of toxins and mental programming, i.e. mind control, which has contributed to the degradation of the higher faculties and the dormant DNA within the human organism. This has been done intently and by design, but that discussion is for another article. I am mentioning this because I want to address what one should do to help cleanse and detoxify the body so that the methods forthcoming will be more effective and the individual will begin the journey of healing and Holiness (purity). I suggest the following diet and lifestyle changes to coincide with one’s spiritual practice. And a legal disclaimer: I am no doctor and these suggestions should not be taken without proper research or consultation with your medical provider, especially if you have medical conditions or are on any form of medication:
Begin detoxing and decalcifying areas of the brain by taking a daily dose of a high-quality nascent iodine and turmeric curcumin supplements.
Begin detoxing the nervous system by taking a daily, high-quality dose of Niacin (vitamin B-3).
Quit cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, and unhealthy habits (at least make it your intention in the beginning, your willpower will increase with your practice and you will become less and less attached to these things as you begin developing your inner power).
Change your grocery list and eating habits to natural and organic foods. This is a big deal. This change will also develop with time as you progress with your practice – but challenge yourself now as it will help manifest the fruits of your practice much sooner.
A plant-based diet will also contribute greatly to your inner-energy development. Eliminating the mucus within the body is also key when purifying many functions in the body, including the nervous system. This happens when the body’s PH level begins to rise. Alkaline foods should be a focus, which consist largely of fruits and vegetables.
Intermittent fasting and then longer-term fasting will have a massive impact on your health and, at the same time, enhance your spiritual practice and help collapse time frames to higher development. Research this topic and understand the “how-to” so you go into the fast and come out of it properly. Fasting is probably the greatest contributor to your overall health, and results will be immediate if done properly.
Organize your life so you have a schedule where you can commit time for yourself only, on a daily basis.
These things I mention, may seem very difficult or impossible in one’s current situation. However, it’s important to understand that one progresses into these changes over time. It may take weeks, months or even a year or more before these changes to become the normal pattern within your evolved lifestyle.
Understanding Meditation
It’s important to understand that the word Meditation is a state of being, not an action. The act or practice of getting oneself into that state of being, is the action. There are as many misconceptions about meditation as there are techniques. The meditative state is the experience of being completely in the present, while experiencing a detachment from the senses. There is no future or past, there is just now. The sensations can be quite blissful as the body feels like its vibrating (it is). The more detached one becomes from the body, the more the vibration feeling takes over. It’s an orgasmic feeling and takes much focus to hold, especially when witnessing the visuals that begin as the 3rd eye becomes active.
In this state, it becomes clear that the body is a vehicle that you’ve been operating. Prior to this experience, You or the true Self was the body – the mind convinced you of this so that it could rule over your body. The two are so intertwined that there was no experience of separation, thus one’s true self is unable to realize that it’s being held captive by the mind. This intertwining is at an extreme in our world today, where everything is pulling your awareness out through the senses. It’s only when you develop your abilities to control and direct your energy inwards, that you begin experience this realization and thus, the true Self begins to wake up to reality.
The state of meditation has many levels to it. The experience of the level of separation that I just described is probably a level 3 on a scale of 1 - 10. The first level is where a feeling of pressure develops between eyebrows and a “pulling effect” is felt. One then begins training how to surrender to this pulling effect, and different techniques are attempted to help the mind let go of the body, so one can then be “pulled.” One must surrender so that he can gravitate towards the source of the pulling. It’s difficult to describe this experience in words and no one can fully understand it until it is experienced, so patience and an open mind is very important in order to progress with inner development.
This level 1 happens when one finally aligns himself with that source of pressure between the eyebrows. The body starts to feel a more defined energy flowing through the spine and up to this pressure point, rather than just the random tingling sensations that one has probably been experiencing up to this point. From this level, higher levels can be accessed and greater detachment and higher consciousness will develop for the determined practitioner.
The point between the eyebrows that I’m referring to is called the Ajna chakra, or the 3rd eye (it’s actually in front of the Ajna chakra, and is powered by it). This powerful energy center contains the organ called the Pineal Gland, and is located in the center of the brain. This gland is very interesting and an entire book could be written just about this.
Below the Pineal is another gland, located behind the bridge of the nose; this is the Pituitary Gland. These two glands make up “The Olive Tree,” mentioned in the bible. The area of the brain, located at the top of the spinal cord, in between the two glands is also referred to as “The Land of Milk and Honey,” mentioned many times in the bible, especially the Old Testament. Each gland produces a chemical, one is of a milky substance, the other is a honey-like substance. The ancients encrypted this information in their writings, statues, and artwork, so that one day, when one is ready to experience a higher level of reality, the evolutionary process within the body can be revealed to the motivated seeker.
Books can be written just about this process, and this includes the higher meaning of Christ and the crucifixion – which has been concealed from us by the mysteries and institutional religions. This knowledge is the baseline of all religions and spiritual science – everything else above this baseline are different layers of cultural depictions and, through the ages, mind control techniques to socially engineer the populations. I won’t digress more into this topic as it will diminish the focus of this article, however its worthy to understand what we’ve been up against, and that meditation is the instrument that will lead one into the greater mysteries and higher knowledge that has been concealed from us, long ago.
What also correlates to these specific areas in the body are the energy centers, or Chakras. These will become more relevant as one progresses with their practice. The seeker should have some knowledge of the energy centers in the body and how they play a crucial role in his worldly and spiritual experience so that one can maintain a balance in their life while beginning the journey within. In most people, the higher centers are mostly dormant. Many are damaged from toxicity, dormancy and from negative DNA interference. Yes, I mean we were meddled with in the past, to keep us under control and to be ruled over. The lower centers are where the energy of the worldly human resides now, and it’s within these centers that the initial cleaning takes place; this is where dieting and restraining unhealthy habits, as discussed in the beginning, become critical in developing a healthy body, mind, and soul – as above, so below.
The Practice
The practice to become meditative, works hand-in-hand with a healthy diet and lifestyle. The type of diet and lifestyle have a tremendous impact on the state of one’s mind, for it is the mind that runs the machine and guards all the doorways. Additionally, the mind produces many obstacles in one’s journey to a meditative state. It is the mind that needs to be tamed. The mind is like an undisciplined puppy, full of energy. It goes from one thought and emotion to the next – it’s a machine that is incapable of shutting off its constant mental processes until all of its fuel has been consumed. This is the chief challenge for the practitioner. Training on how to tame and control this beast is most critical in order to experience a state of meditation.
There are many common and simple techniques that can help one begin to take control over the mind. First, one should attempt to understand, only intellectually at first, that the body, mind and consciousness are like a soaked sponge. The sponge is the body, water is the energy that runs it (energy is consciousness), and mind is what directs the energy into and throughout the sponge. In order to separate the water from the sponge, the mind needs to be controlled and restrained. Know that the true Self, the observer, is the water – and your job as a meditator is to disentangle yourself from the sponge (the body), and you’ll do this by restraining and controlling the mind.
First, you should find a quiet place, preferably a dark place and one that will not offer distractions. The body should be relaxed and comfortably seated. Its most important that your spine is vertically erect to the ground. You can use a chair if you do not have a healthy enough posture to sit comfortably with your spine erect like this. You can also lean back against a wall – the key is that your spine and neck are as vertical as possible to the ground.
Relax the body fully, as much as you’re able to. You should be exerting little to no effort in sitting the way that was described, otherwise your mind will be keyed in on the areas of discomfort. Your hands should be placed comfortably on your legs in such a way that they stay put without your effort to hold them there. Gravity should be able to hold your position with the base of your spine pointing into the ground, or as close to this position as you comfortably can be.
Next, using your mind, scan your body for any areas of tension or discomfort. Start at your toes, make sure they are relaxed and under no pressure… then your feet, then your legs, your hips, and so on. You’ll do this all the way up to your shoulders, then you’ll scan your arms and hands, then to your neck, your lips, cheeks, and eyes, and then lastly the crown of your head. Your tongue should be relaxed and resting in your mouth, and your eyes should be closed or slightly open and relaxed – there should be no physical effort. The body should be like a bag of meat, holding into position by gravity and its own weight centered at the base of the spine.
Breathe normally through the nose. Inhale, exhale, through the nose. Continue breathing normally with a relaxed and slow breath. Feel the weight of your body; where does the body feel heaviest? Concentrate on how the body feels: how vertical does the spine feel? How is the head positioned at the top of the neck? Is the head leaning forward? How are the hips feeling? Do you feel that your base is seated squarely and comfortably, or is there tension and misalignment? Should you adjust something? The body should become more and more relaxed as you analyze its posture.
Now that the body is in a relaxed and proper posture, bring your attention to the spot between your eyebrows. If you prefer, you can place your finger there and press on it like a button to feel where it’s located on your forehead. With your eyes closed or half closed (whichever is most comfortable and relaxed), you’ll raise your chin up slightly and gaze at this spot between your eyebrows, while keeping your eyes closed or half closed. In the beginning, your eyeballs will turn upwards and become crossed, because you’re pointing both eyes to the central point. You should feel some strain on your eyes, just go ahead and relax them when it gets too uncomfortable.
What you’re doing here is stretching and realigning your optical nerves. By doing this practice consistently, you’ll eventually be able to pull the energy out of your optical nerves without your eye moving or becoming strained. The gaze between the eyebrows is a very effective technique, and after some practice, some form of sensations should occur, not only in that spot behind the eyebrows, but other areas of the body may begin to experience tingling sensations. It may take a few practices, or many before one can begin experiencing these inner sensations. It all depends on how tightly wired into the machine one may be.
Now your attention goes to your breath. As you continue breathing through the nose, inhale slowly and under your control, meaning do it consciously, not mechanically – feel the air enter the nose and travel through the channels into the lungs. Notice the stomach and chest rising as the air inflates the body. Notice the temperature of the air entering, feel the hairs in your nose moving as the air pressure enters and travels down through your nose. Feel the air hit the back of your pallet as it exits the naval cavity at the back of your throat.
Notice the details here. In order to become aware of all these details, you’ll need to focus your mind completely on the breath. This will be difficult in the beginning, but the effort to focus your mind will get easier and easier – eventually it will become effortless.
The exhale is the same process – we are talking about control and focus. You’ll release the air but a controlled release. The exhale should last about twice as long as the inhale, maybe a little less. You can count in the beginning… If it takes 7 seconds to inhale, you should control the air release on the exhale so it takes maybe 12 seconds to be depleted.
You’ll notice the air is warmer as it travels through your nasal cavity and exits through the nose. Focus on the details… the stomach and chest deflating. Feel the apparatus that you are using to pull the air in and how it changes to push the air out. Continue this as long as you comfortably can.
As you build on the breathing technique and the 3rd eye technique, you’ll soon gain enough control to effectively do both at the same time. You’ll feel pressure in that spot between your eye brows, and you’ll try to connect that pressure with the breath. Mostly likely they will not be aligned properly, so you’ll put more focus on your gaze, and try to “look” where the gap is between the nasal breaths and the 3rd eye. With much practice, you’ll build a channel between the two and soon it will almost feel like you’re breathing in and out of your 3rd eye.
A word of precaution, once you develop the ability to gaze into the 3rd eye, you should change techniques and move the gaze down to your nose while focusing on the navel while using the same breathing exercise – you’ll begin witnessing the navel area expand and contract from the breaths, while your gaze is down at your nose with your eyes somewhat crossed. You’ll soon feel a connection develop between your nose and your navel area. This adjustment will allow you to begin balancing the lower energy centers as the higher ones become more active. Too much 3rd eye practice can lead to an individual becoming too ungrounded and detached from worldly activities – Imagine having the responsibility of supporting a family and suddenly losing all desire to work and keep up with finances; A balance of energy is critical.
Becoming proficient with these techniques will transform your practice and the state of being you experience as you become more and more meditative. When you arrive deeper into meditation, the techniques turn off because the mind is no longer in the way. It’s important to remember that it is the mind that is directing the techniques, so once the mind is restrained, there is no technique.
You tame the mind by giving it techniques to focus on. The techniques build discipline within your mind, to follow your commands, and also it directs the attention and energy to specific things that are helping to re-construct a dormant energy system within the body. Ultimately, this energy system will grow into, what appears as, a growing tree. The trunk and the branches are the energy system, growing their way up to reach the source. The source is where the light enters the body, and the goal of the self is to grow this energy body and connect to its source, the sun.
There are countless techniques. There are techniques called kriyas, mudras, tantra, pranayama, mantras, and so on. If you’re the type that needs to study and learn about all these methods and terminologies, then do that. The bottom line is, all techniques are just techniques to assist you in gaining control over the organism and to develop inner functions. With consistent practice and devotion to your inner development, you will begin to separate consciousness from the mechanical or automatic processes of the body.
One will likely learn several or many techniques as one’s abilities increase and new methods will be needed to level up. While other techniques will no longer be needed. Ultimately one will begin to shed all techniques as the mind becomes healthier and the being, more conscious. Once consciousness grows to a certain point, intuition will begin to take over and guide the practitioner – this is called the inner guru.
The practitioners outside world will also begin to change. One will start to witness the mechanical nature of the body. The mechanical thoughts and emotions, and their physical expression will become more and more observable, while the ability to control and restrain them will also increase. Patterns in the outside world will become noticeable, and the seeker will begin finding meaning within everything that happens. This is all due to the expansion of consciousness and the subtle process of the true Self taking control away from the mind. This mind program that one is battling is more accurately referred to as the Ego. Learn more about this program and how to more clearly identify and overcome it by reading an earlier article called The Deception of the Ego.
Another obstacle to liberation, lies within the physical structure of the body. The body becomes a tuned antenna when one develops the ability to be in a state of meditation. If the body structures are not aligned properly, then the proper attunement will not occur, just like an antenna. The structure of the body must become aligned so the practitioner can compose himself in proper position and comfortably hold himself there with little to no effort. Once the physical structure is proper and correct, the energy structure, which includes the nervous system, will also need support from the body to become correct and aligned. This is where Yoga asanas (poses) come in. These poses and stretches, combined with breathing techniques, assist the practitioner with aligning both the physical structure and the energy system (including the nervous system). Finding an effective routine of these poses and stretches will greatly speed up the process of not only becoming meditative, but in the ultimate goal of reaching the source and experiencing a spiritual evolution.
The body is the temple, the cocoon, where one is to develop and evolve into their spiritual body. It happens in the flesh. The world is shaking you now, for the time has come that we awaken to our spiritual nature and exit the lower realm. This lower realm was necessary for our flesh bodies to develop, now the energy structure must be rebuilt so we can finally realize our true angelic nature. All other beings that do not follow the evolutionary path, will ultimately be recycled. The evolution into the spiritual body leads to ascension into higher worlds and the beginning of an eternal life; an eternal life as One.
Thank you William. 🙏
Can you say more about this part?
‘Ultimately, this energy system will grow into, what appears as, an upside-down tree. The roots are the energy system, growing their way up to reach the source. The source is where the light enters the body, and the goal of the self is to grow this energy body and connect to its source, the sun.’
What is the conscious experience of the tree of life. Is this a visual?